
50 students admit that they got drunk at least 40 times, while 34 that they took cocaine


Eighty-nine ninth and tenth graders of Chisinau municipality within a survey said they smoked one to five cigarettes a day during the past 30 days. Another 41 students smoked six to ten cigarettes, while 30 students even over 20 cigarettes a day. The results of the poll on the use of noxious substances by teens and preteens (recently and throughout life) were presented by the General Division of Education, Youth and Sport of Chisinau municipality, IPN reports.

The poll covered 2,679 students of 22 education institutions located in all the districts of Chisinau. Asked how often they drank beer during the last 30 days, 122 of the students said they drank beer for more than 40 times,  67 students said they drank beer 20-39 times, while 560 – once or two times . A number of 1,823 students said they didn’t drink beer.

Asked how often they got drunk in life, 253 of the students said three-five times, 78 sad – 10-19 times, while 50 said more than 40 times. As many as 1,512 students said they never got drunk.

The age when the first alcoholic beverage was drunk is of over 15 in the case of 598 students, 14 in the case of 582 students and 11 or less in the case of 339 students. Asked where they consume alcohol most often, 116 students answered at home, 107 said at the homes of other persons. The list continues with parks, clubs and other places.

Fourteen students admitted that they took cocaine for over 40 times, while 20 students said they took cocaine once or two times. Also, 93 students took cannabis once or twice, while 18 took this substance for over 40 times. Eighteen students said they took ecstasy one or two times, while 11 students took this for over 40 times.

As many as 442 students said they daily spend by about two hours of their leisure time on social networking sites and playing video games. Another 389 browse on the Internet for about three hours daily, while 388 for about six hours or even more.

Among the institutions that are most trusted by students are the elementary schools (1,187 respondents), the Church (691), the police (316) and courts of law (224).

The survey was carried out within the project “Young People in Europe, program to prevent drug use”.