
427 million lei disbursed to farmers over a month


A sum of 427.2 million lei was distributed in January to farmers by the Agency for Intervention and Payments for Agriculture. The amount is by almost 70% higher than in the same month last year, and by more than 364% higher compared to January 2023, IPN reports, with reference to a press release issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry.

The money is provided to farmers through various subsidization mechanisms. The largest amount, 300.7 million lei, was allocated for post-investment subsidies.

A sum of 125 million lei went to satisfy requests related to the complementary payment form, such as investment loans, deforestation of multiannual plantations, insurance premiums.

For this year, according to the state budget law, the National Fund for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Environment totals 1.7 mlrd lei.