386 doves to be released in memory of those who died in Nistru war
A concert titled “Dove – Symbol of Peace”, in memory of the persons who were killed in the Nistru armed conflict of 1992, will be given at the Army House in Chisinau on February 27. The chairman of the National Union of Independence War Veterans Eduard Maican told Info-Prim Neo that the event is a premiere.
The concert will start with a moment of silence. A literary-musical performance titled “ Eternal Peace – Message on Wings of Nostalgia ” will follow next. Students of “George Meniuc” High School and of the Military Institute “Alexandru cel Bun” will recite poems by Grigore Vieru and sing songs. A group of priests of the Moldovan Metropolitan Church will bless the exhibition of doves staged by the Association of Dove Breeders of Moldova.
The same day, the veterans will receive financial assistance. “We collected money to do a good thing and help at least some of the veterans. Money was also raised to set up three doves farms at national orphanages,” the chairman of the National Union of Independence War Veterans said.
The event will close with laying of flowers at the Ministry of Defense's Military Museum in the Army House square and with the release of 386 doves in memory of those who died in the armed conflict on the Nistru.