300 former officers and under-officers will be retrained to be employed
The Government and the OSCE Mission to Moldova have signed a Memorandum under which 300 former officers and under-officers will get jobs after the necessary retraining. Minister of Labor, Social Protection and Family Valentina Buliga said, after the signing of the Memorandum on Thursday, June 24, that former soldiers would have the possibility to contribute to the state’s sustainable economic development, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“The OSCE Mission cooperated with the Ministry of Defense to elaborate this program. Retraining will be offered to former officers and under-officers from the Transnistrian region as well”, said Ambassador Philip Remler, head of the OSCE Mission in Moldova. He also thanked the US and Swedish governments for funding this project.
The program will cover a time frame of 4 years and has a budget of 100,000 euros. The former officers will attend IT, real estate, foreign languages and other courses, after which they will be employed in the respective sectors. The courses will be taught by the Academy of Economic Studies and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The retraining will start September 15. “Officers will be selected according to necessary skills, and then we’ll find them a job”, said Sergiu Harea, head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
“After 20 years of military service, with little retraining, they will be able to work in other fields. This is nothing more than merging civilian life with the military one, and this can happen as we are all citizens of the Republic of Moldova”, said the head of the MoD's National Security Strategy Department, Lieutenant Vlad Ababii.
The memorandum sets out implementation rules for the social reintegration project regarding former officers and under-officers of the National Army, Carabineer Troops and Border Guard Service of the Republic of Moldova. The project has been developed by OSCE Mission to Moldova in collaboration with the Moldovan Ministry of Defense.