
3 associations back Lib-Dems’ bid to change Constitution


Three cultural associations say they support the initiative of the Moldovan Liberal-Democratic Party (PLDM) to organize a nationwide referendum to modify the Moldovan Constitution as to the mode of electing the President and MPs. Representatives of the cultural associations of Basarabian Romanians “Albina romaneasca” (The Romanian Bee), “Invierea” (The Resurrection) and “Tezaurul Daciei” (Dacia’s Treasure) declared their full support for that initiative, at a news conference on Tuesday, March 25. The members of the associations consider that the modification of the Constitution in 2000, providing that the President is elected by the Parliament, deprived the citizens of their fundamental right to choose the supreme power in a state. “Invierea” President Ion Balan has said the party system of electing the President and the MPs leads to a dictatorship of parties and to strangulating democracy within society. Promoted by political groupings, the President is a puppet in the hand of some party leaders, Ion Balan says. Thus, the President does not feel responsible to the citizens, but only to those groupings. Marcel Cusnir, representing the Moldovan-Romanian Association “Tezaurul Daciei”, believes society should return to traditions. The old Dacians used to elect their king, he recalled. The NGOs back up the idea of electing 50 deputies in uninominal constituencies, what would make responsible the MPs and would balance the central and local interests. The president of “Albina romaneasca”, Mihai Cibotaru, has remarked the need for a profound reform of society. The NGOs have underlined they have a more radical vision as to reforming society, but find the referendum as first step in returning to normal, keeping the right, at the same time, to come up with other initiatives to democratize society. The NGOs say they will promote the referendum’s idea in villages where people lack information. On March 24, PLDM started to collect signatures to hold the referendum. The party wants to modify the Constitution so as the President should be elected directly by the people and not by MPs as it is now. The party also wants half of the deputies to be elected in constituencies, and half -- on party lists, as they are now.