
28 000 Moldovan head of cattle infected with disease similar to AIDS at humans


A drop of blood of an infected bovine can cause enzootic leucosis of another healthy bovine. The bovine disease is exactly similar to the human AIDS. The head of the laboratory of the Republican Center of Veterinary Diagnosis, Dr. hab. academician Roman Moscalic, states that this disease at cattle, exactly alike AIDS, is a very dangerous infectious one, the viruses of which penetrate cells and destroy them, and the way of spreading the disease is similar to AIDS – through fresh blood. The milk of the cows carrying the virus can be collected and processed at Milk factories. Instead the milk of infected cows can not be used. It can be used after a thermal processing at preparing flour for forage. In 90s according to Dr. Roman Moscalic, about a half of the cattle from the Republic of Moldova were infected with leucosis, but the researches made by Moldovan scientist allowed implementing a recovery technology which decreased the number of infected cattle 5-fold. At the same time, the academician states that in Russia and Ukraine this index increased 1.5-2-fold. The disease is a potential infection risk for humans. According to the quoted source cattle owners can avoid the infection of animals, by following some simple pieces of advice, as vaccination, blood collecting and following only artificial impregnation. For big cattle collectivities the sterilization of the milking devices after each cow is recommended. A necessary rule, says Moscalic is milking healthy cows at first and afterwards those infected. At the moment, only in 60 localities of the Republic of Moldova the cattle is not infected with leucosis, 4 districts are at the end of the cattle recovery process. The statistics prove that in Moldova 28 thousand bovines infected with leucosis are attested. Leucosis is known for almost 140 years.