
2022 claims to be year of strengthening of relations between library and community, forum


The year 2022 promises to be a good year for bringing the library closer to the community, while the community, together with decision-makers, will contribute to developing the biblioteconomic sector. The year 2022 claims to be a year of strengthening of relations between the library and the community. This is a priority in the context of the assessment of the activity of libraries and of the annual attestation of librarians in communities, National Library director Elena Pintilei stated in the Forum of Managers of National System of Libraries that is held today, IPN reports.

Speaking about the ties and responsibilities of libraries and decision-makers, Elena Pintilei said the senior officials’ decisions depend directly on the public policies. The golden rule is for the goals and objectives of decision-makers to derive from the needs of society, not from personal needs. At the local and national levels, the libraries will promote policies to support the continuous training of specialists in bibliotechonomy and information science and will support the constant improvement of the relevant legislative, institutional and financing frameworks. “The libraries will be those community players that will encourage the respect for and promotion of the fundamental cultural rights, access to culture and participation in the cultural life of the community. The libraries will promote diversity and will protect the cultural identity in the served communities and will promote the recognition of the contribution of culture to social cohesion and inclusion in the community. They will also encourage decision-makers to support national and local programs to promote books and reading,” stated Elena Pintilei.

Victoria Vasilica, executive director of the Association of Librarians of the Republic of Moldova, said the librarians in the Republic of Moldova have the conditions and the professional skills needed to contribute to creating a literate, informed, participatory and inclusive society. However, to improve their professional capacities, the Association is ready to offer all the necessary support. When the librarians have the necessary skills, they will be able to access funds for the institution and for the communities in which they work and not only. The Association will have a training program for librarians, a community support program and will lay emphasis on strategic and institutional development.

Eugenia Bejan, director of the National Children’s Library “Ion Creangă”, related that the international tendencies in bibliotechonomy are aimed at the creation of an inclusive library. This means the existence of books adjusted for persons with visual impairments or with intellectual disabilities, services for persons with special needs, etc. Media literacy is another objective that means development of critical thinking, efficient communication, online security and fighting of fake news. There will also be created ludic libraries for children to want to return to them and green libraries where emphasis is placed on the reduction of energy consumption, recycling of materials, separate collection of waste, etc. The Library “Ion Creangă” recently launched an online children’s project to ensure equal rights between children that is supported by the Council of Europe Office.

The Forum of Mangers of National System of Libraries is at its 26th edition.