
2015 should be dedicated to developing Moldova-EU relations, says analyst


In 2015 the authorities in Chisinau should focus more on developing the relations between Moldova and the EU and on implementing the Association Agreement/DCFTA. The provisions of the agreement concern internal reforms, while in 2014 the focus was on the harmonization of the legal framework. Now, in 2015, the European partners will want to see the results of the application of these laws, says political analyst Victoria Bucataru, program coordinator at the Foreign Policy Association.

According to her, the reforms in the field of justice and the fight against corruption are crucial and the incapacity to demonstrate real progress in these fields will surely undermine the trust of our development partners and even hinder the development of other areas, mainly the investment environment.

“The governing political parties should show unity concerning Moldova's European future. They should show unity and responsibility in everything they do. They shouldn't think about business and party interests when developing a legal framework. They ought to think first about the best interests of the people and the country”, said Victoria Bucataru.

The analyst stressed that although in previous years Moldova's development partners have been more tolerant, this year things will change because it will be about the implementation of the Association Agreement and this means respecting European legislation.

Moldova's foreign policy should also focus on relations with neighbors Romania and Ukraine and Russia as a distant neighbor. Romania has been and will remain Moldova's advocate in the EU. Its technical and institutional support is so valuable because Romania is a EU member and has already been through all the stages of adopting and implementing the EU acquis. Besides, Romania can also contribute to Moldova's energy safety, which an area of maximum importance.

The partnership with Ukraine has developed a new aspect – security. “The aggression against the neighboring country has made it necessary to revise Moldova's security concept and analyze our security needs. Besides, Ukraine has also chosen the EU and collaboration in areas of joint interest may help the development of the region as a whole. The emphasis should be on border security, especially on the segment that isn't controlled by Moldova's legitimate authorities”, said Bucataru.

As regards Russia, the analyst thinks that a dialogue should be maintained, as long as Moldova is still dependent on Russian energy and on the Russian market for some exports. “We have to maintain a dialogue, to find ways to communicate with the Russian authorities, but this communication must be based on Moldova's sovereignty and territorial integrity”, she said.

Victoria Bucataru stressed that it is important for Moldova to begin the implementation of the Association Agreement and to obtain real results before May's Eastern Partnership Summit in Riga. “I don't know if it will be possible to apply to become a candidate for EU membership, but we should certainly show that we are a responsible country”, said the analyst. According to her, Moldova has to prove that it can fulfill its commitments.