
2012 anchored Moldova in European integration process, Vlad Filat


2012 paved the way for the irreversible stabilization of the European integration process in Moldova, which can lead to the signing of the most important three documents with the European Union, Prime Minister Vlad Filat said in the Info-Prim Neo interview “Vlad Filat: We do not have an alternative”, of the series “Year 2012 in Moldova’s and Moldovans’ life” {that was published on December 6, 2012}. According to him, the election of the head of state stability and predictability in the political process in Moldova. The interview with Vlad Filat is the first of the series of 12 Info-Prim Neo interviews about the significances of 2012. “It was an important year for Moldova and for the life of every citizen of Moldova. It was a year in which we continued to move towards the achievement of our European integration objective. It was also a year with serious political and economic challenges, when we were hit by an unprecedented drought and sustained huge losses. But, in the end, I think it was a year with much clearer and better prospects for our lives. “I will not enumerate all the political events that took place, but I want to emphasize that we are in an irreversible European integration process that consists of a number of stages. Thus, we have real chances, supported by our European partners, to sign the Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement at the end of next November and to fulfill the conditions concerning the liberalization of the visa regime. These are three important agreements that will powerfully and irreversibly anchor Moldova in this European integration process,” stated the Premier. Speaking about the state of the government in 2012 as a component part and a genuine expression of Moldovan society, Vlad Filat said that this year they managed to find sufficient reason and coherence in their activities so as to choose the head of state, ensuring thus political stability and predictability in the political process in Moldova. “However, we must bear in mind that Moldova is ruled by a coalition consisting of three parties that have different viewpoints on certain processes, on the way and pace at which they must be managed. This often creates difficulties as a result of inefficient communication. I do not mean the intensity of the process, but the way in which we communicate. I think this is the most serious drawback in our work this year,” the Prime Minister stated for Info-Prim Neo. The next interviews will contain opinions about the performance of the passing year stated by the chairman of the Communist Party Vladimir Voronin, Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova Jennifer Brush, Minister of Economy Valeriu Lazar, Mayor of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca, Minister of Justice Oleg Efrim, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Vasile Bumacov, expert of the Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT Corneliu Gurin, director of the National Anticorruption Center Viorel Chetraru, Deputy Representative of the United Nations Population Fund in Moldova Boris Galca, head of the Community of Moldovans in Quebec Ala Mandacanu, and singer Cristofor Aldea Teodorovici.