2009 parliamentary elections will be a test for Moldova: PACE president
“Moldova should continue the reforms which are necessary that the country should finally become a European democracy as the others,” the president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Lluis Maria de Puig, has said. He uttered a speech in the Chisinau parliament on July 9, as he was ending his first official visit to Moldova.
“During those 13 years of being monitored, since Moldova is a member of the Council of Europe (CoE), the PACE has been very patient and we believe it is necessary to step up the reforms, especially because the Moldovan people can profit from this,” the official said. PACE considers it necessary to change certain attitudes, practices to guarantee the good functioning of the judiciary, of the General Prosecutor's Office, media's independence, the efficient counteracting of corruption, the conditions allowing the local autonomies to fully exert their functions.
The PACE president has reiterated the CoE's position on settling the Transnistrian conflict. “Any settlement should ground on the intangible principle of observing Moldova's territorial integrity and sovereignty. Any brought up solution should be considered and studied by all the sides involved,” Lluis Maria de Puig said.
The PACE president has also remarked he has come to encourage Moldova on its way towards the European Union, “which is the best option for the country.” “It depends on Moldova itself how soon it will integrate into the EU, on its determination, political will and efforts made.”
“Creating a legislative frame is very important because the question is about setting game rules to be observed by all the actors in the democratic system. Still, it is not enough. Any law remains dead letter, unless it is applied in the day-to-day life,” the official said.
He has reminded that Moldova has the opportunity to join the EU only after the CoE will categorically utter that the democratic changes in Moldova are irreversible. That is why, it is very important that the 2009 elections produce the unquestionable proof of this change. “After 5 years of certain political stability, the poll is going to represent a major test about what Moldova has learnt as democratic practice during all these years,” Lluis Maria de Puig stated.
According to the PACE president, it is necessary to create a political and social climate allowing citizens to make a free and conscientious choice. The political parties and actors should have the possibility to speak publicly and freely to convey their electoral programs. The media should be as pluralist as possible, having the freedom to inform, to question platforms and candidates and should not be pressed to have a mirror a single option. The judiciary should strictly stick to its job and should not be used as a crackdown tool to remove candidates. The local democratic institutions should exclusively service the citizens and should not be supplied with resources selectively and depending on the political view of their managers, Lluis Maria de Puig has remarked.
The CoE official has urged the authorities to get the endorsement of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission) concerning the latest changes to the electoral law and namely to the electoral threshold, electoral blocs and dual citizenship. “It is necessary to find a good balance between Moldova's concern and the CoE principles,” he said. “The CoE cannot instruct Moldova in this regard, but only recommend.”
The CoE and the Venice Commission consider 5% to be the optimal electoral threshold (to enter the Parliament). Since Moldova is continuously monitored by the CoE, the official has suggested that, depending on the 2009 elections, the monitoring could be curbed, provided all the democratic provisions have been carried out.
Moldovan speaker Marian Lupu has said the Parliament is open for dialog. The Venice Commission and the Chisinau Parliament are discussing on the electoral law. Marian Lupu has expressed his commitment to invite to the elections as many as possible CoE observers in order to insure the poll will be fair and democratic.
Earlier, the Moldovan Parliament raised the electoral threshold from 4 to 6%, banned electoral blocs and the public functions to people with dual citizenship.