
2008 was the year when full dictatorship was established in Moldova. Info-Prim Neo interview with Mihai Ghimpu, president of the Liberal Party


[ - How was the political year 2008 for Moldova and what are your forecasts for 2009?] - The political year 2008 was the last for the Communist government. It was a year when the Communists committed a great deal of illegalities. The crime I consider the most odious was the unprecedented penury which affected the entire population, which led to the exodus of our citizens, who went abroad in search for a piece of bread. At the same time, the Communist grouping controlled by Vladimir Voronin alienated parts of government-owned property through fraudulent privatization schemes, with billions of lei worth of property being sold at ridiculously low prices to some obscure firms, I suppose controlled by the same Communists. The most recent example is the Codru hotel in downtown Chisinau, sold to an anonymous firm based in Cyprus at a price 10 times lower its fair market value. This is stealing from our property, and it happens in a country where people get the lowest salaries and pensions in Europe. Politically, 2008 was the year when full dictatorship was established in Moldova, with all the governmental institutions serving the interests of the political power. The judiciary has completely lost its independence, while the law enforcement bodies and the special services have been used to destroy the political opposition. It was a terrible year in what concerns misinformation and intoxication of the public opinion, when political opponents were subject to denigration, practiced by the Communist-controlled public media as well as their servile outlets. However, all these actions, I believe, have done nothing but brought disgrace to the government. The news reports about the abuse of the police during the march staged by the Liberal Party (PL) to demand the withdrawal of Russian troops from Moldovan soil, about the arrests of the Christmas tree, of the donkey and the pig, of the City Hall's gifts for the orphans in Straseni, have made these infamies known around the world, they shocked Europe, making it call into question the quality of its eastern neighbor's government. A special chapter in the history of the last year was the absurd and uncompromising war the Presidential Office and the Government waged on the Chisinau City Hall and on Chisinau Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca, who is also the vice president of the Liberal Party. In my opinion, the Communists lost both the war against the opposition parties and that against the PL and the Chisinau Mayor. The people understood that PL's intentions are honorable, that we want democratic freedoms and a state based on the rule of law, a free economy and general welfare, that we seek proper administration of public finances and plead for the withdrawal of the Russian army, which is Moldova's main impediment on its road to the EU. For us as a party, 2008 was a very important year: all the yearend polls showed that the PL has become the principal rival of the Communist government, and that most people place their hope for a change in our party. We thank them for their trust and we assure them that we'll do our best to meet their expectations. I am confident that in 2009, the PCRM will lose the parliamentary poll like it lost the local elections in 2007. The much desired change will come. Power will be taken by democratically oriented, pro-European parties, which will fulfill the expectations of the citizens, will do justice to the masses, will hold the guilty ones accountable for their illegalities and abuses, will lay a solid foundation for welfare, and will irreversible put Moldova on track towards the EU. [ - 2008 completes eight years of Communist government and two consecutive terms of office for President Vladimir Voronin. What are the distinctive features of this period?] - In this period, Moldova became Europe's poorest country. The costs of living have skyrocketed, while the salaries and pensions do not even meet the basic needs. Nothing has been done to bring Moldova closer to the EU, the relationship with Romania has hit a new low. Although, according to the Constitution, Moldova is a parliamentary republic, President Vladimir Voronin has all the power in his hands, blurring the limits between the branches of power. The Communists have done nothing to settle the Transnistrian conflict, albeit it being their main electoral promise. In all these years Moldova has seen an unprecedented involution in every key social sector – social protection, public health care, education, agriculture, infrastructure, etc. [ - What does your party intend to obtain in the 2009 legislative elections and what effects will the elections have on Moldova?] - The PL is out there working, so we hope to defeat the Communists in 2009 and avoid a transfer of votes from the also-rans to the PCRM, like it happened in the previous elections when the Communists got tens of seats in Parliament after the redistribution of votes. The PL can defeat the Communists. At stake is our future, of the Republic of Moldova. Communism has meant poverty and misery, ever since it plagued our country in 1940. I think people have acknowledged this fact and will make a wise choice, a choice for Moldova's future alongside the civilized, free and prosperous nations of the EU.