
2007 will greatly influence 2008 from political viewpoint. Interview with leader of the Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Filat. SERIES OF INFO-PRIM NEO INVESTIGATIONS “HOW WAS 2007”


[ - How was the political year 2007 for Moldova and what are your political forecasts for 2008?] 2007 was a difficult year full of political events. It began with the preparation and holding of the general local elections and ended with the regrouping of the political forces. 2007 will greatly influence the political events of 2008, which seems to be a difficult year as it will be a pre-electoral year. [ - What were the most important political events that had a positive impact on Moldova and what were those that influenced negatively Moldova’s development, in your opinion?] First of all, I consider the constitution of the Liberal Democratic Party (PLD) of Moldova as a political event that had and will still have a positive impact on Moldova. The local elections undoubtedly created preconditions for deep political transformations in Moldova. I can also mention the opening of the common visa application centre, the signing of the visa facilitation agreement with the European Union, Romania’s accessions to the EU. As to the events that had a negative impact, there are too many of them and I will name only one: the suspension of the CFE Treaty by Russia, which indisputably will have a negative effect on the Transnistria conflict settlement process. [ - National and international experts says that Moldova lags behind in the areas of justice and mass media. What was done in these areas in 2007 and what is yet to be done?] Unfortunately, many declarations were made in 2007, but the implementation of the amended legislation had a negative effect: we have a legal system that does not do justice, but carries out orders (see Moldova’s convictions by the ECHR). As regards mass media, we have newspapers that have not been founded by the Government, but whose editorial policy is pro-governmental. We have a new Broadcasting Code, but the public radio and television stations became even greater promoters of the Communists. The halt in retransmitting TVR1 in Moldova is also relevant here. We have a lot of work to do to make the justice in Moldova work properly and the mass media become free and inform not manipulate. [ - What are your party’s priorities for 2008 and, possibly, for 2009?] In 2008, PLD will implement the party’s political programme and the approved plan of action. We will continue to build the party by attracting more and more active people that do not want to accept the present state of affairs. In 2009, when the right and wrong will have a fight, we will offer the Moldovan people the chance of living in a free and democratic country.