About 200,000 lei was collected monthly into the so-called “thieves’ treasury” following the commission of offenses that were coordinated by persons held in jails in southern Moldova. According to the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Special Cases, the money was collected as a result of thefts, burglaries and swindles and of games of chance organized between detainees for creating artificial debts and for obtaining things banned in prison and by artificially generating conflicts between prisoners so as to blackmail relatives.
The Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Special Cases, in concert with the National Investigations Inspectorate, carried out a number of inspections at penitentiaries and at the homes of perpetrators who were on the outside, where there were found drafts about the alleged debts, orders to release money from banks, receipts, money and handmade devices for taking drugs.
Special investigation measures are being taken to identify all the persons involved in this scheme and the victims of the illegalities, IPN reports.