Parliament declares ‘usurpation of power’ by PDM

The Moldovan Parliament has formally accused the current government led by the Democratic Party of usurping state power. A Declaration adopted today by ACUM and PSRM lawmakers says that the Democratic government lost the trust of both Moldovan people and the international community. The document was presented to the legislature by PAS leader Maia Sandu, named yesterday as prime minister, IPN reports.

According to the Declaration, instead of peacefully and democratically giving up the power, PDM has decided to follow the path of “destabilizing and escalating violence”. “We are calling on all the employees of state institutions and law enforcement not to follow illegal orders from the usurpers and join the side of the people and the legitimate power: Parliament, the President and the Government”, says the Declaration.

Declaring the previous government headed by Pavel Filip illegal, Parliament has called on PDM to remove its “mercenaries” from state institutions. At the same time, the public is urged to stay out of “provocations and any violent actions organized by Plahotniuc and his acolytes”.

“The Plahotniuc regime has showed that its interests differ from those of the citizens, and the captured state has become a nightmare for everyone.” said DA leader Andrei Năstase in his remarks on the Declaration. According to him, the transfer of power should occur peacefully and democratically, and those who have the duty to oversee this transition, should carry it out in a way that ensures maximum security for the citizens and the country. “In a civilized world, a minority can never dictate to a majority, and the Constitutional Court can not be in any context above the Constitution”, the DA leader said.

In an amendment annexed to the Declaration, Parliament has declared that all the Constitutional Court rulings from June 7 onward are to be considered “arbitrary and unconstitutional, and being dictated by a political minority”. Parliament will address international institutions, including the United Nations Security Council, to report this abuse.

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